It's Not the Stork!
Written by Robie H. Harris and Illustrated By Michael Emberley
It's Not the Stork is a nonfiction picture book that explores the human body describing the similarities and differences between the male and female body. This book answers some of the many questions that young children have about their bodies and explains where babies originate.
It's Not the Stork fits into the nonfiction genre because it is an informational book that uses facts to explain its topic.
Michael Emberley does an amazing job of capturing a realistic view of anatomy in a colorful yet, kid friendly way.
Motivational Activities
*Note* Because there is information within this book that may make parents a little uncomfortable, ask parents first via permission slips if they (parents) are comfortable with the teacher reading a book explaining body parts in a kid friendly but, accurate way.
Helping students recount the story through a story pyramid
- Have each student summarize the story so that all of the events build upon one another.
- Ask the questions: What happened first? Next?
- Teacher will aid students with the placement of ideas on the board or poster board to create a visual aid in the shape of a pyramid
Encourage a round table discussion about differences between boys and girls
- Students will sit in a circle and identify what makes girls and boys different.
This activity will help students learn to respect each other and the differences that make them both unique and special in an environment that is safe, welcoming and loving.
Reader Response Questions
- Did you learn anything new about your body that you would like to share?
- Do you think that It's Not the Stork should be a book that you read with parents?
- Do you have any unanswered questions?
If you enjoyed reading It's Not the Stork, Robie H. Harris has other books that address similar topics with more detailed information for older children. Try It’s Perfectly Normal and It’s So Amazing.
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